Poems"The Dirigible Balloon" (May 2022)
"The Dirigible Balloon" (May 2022)
"Pure in Heart Stories" Issue #3 (May 2022)
"The Dirigible Balloon" (February 2022)
"Wishbone" "Pure in Heart Stories” Issue #2 (November 2021) "Someone" "Snakes"
"Desert Online Co-Op Extender" and "In the Hands of a Child" Unit Planner (August 2007) PDF is downloaded from: Mrs. Rinaldi Science Class Website. "New Year" "Sandbox Greetings"
(December 2003/January 2004) "America's Tragedy"
read on my local radio station and displayed at my local library for 911 Anniversary. (September 2002) "Love Lives Next Door"
"Songwriter's Drive-In" Lyrics only songwriting contest. (March 2000) Other poems I've written have been sold in retail stores, read on the radio and featured in public displays.
Short StoriesKidlit"The One They Call the Wolf"
- Audio Version "Alinea" (Denmark, 2013) "Two Hannahs Are Better Than One" Romance"Another Chance" "Everything! Magazine"(2002) |
Articles"Reflections of a Homeschooled Girl"
"College Transcripts" (2001),
"Education Clearing House" (2003), "Homeschool Fun Online Magazine" (2003), "The Link" (2003), "Right at Home" (2002) "Blue Shadows Farms" (2011) "Fiction"(2010) "Ezine9.com" (2007) "Education - Knowledge Based Tips" (2007) "Gateway Central" "Using Memories to Wake Up the Muse"
"Shine: an ezine for writers" |
Stories, poems, articles, Northwoods Deer Photo, Northwoods Turkeys Photo, Northwoods Snow Photo, Northwoods Autumn Photo, Autumn Photo, Lilypad Photo, Spring Robin Photo, Northwoods Rainbow, Butterflies Photo, Daisies Photo, Snow Photo, Northwoods Clouds Photo, When Christmas Comes to Town Photo, Generations of Love Photo, Mom Swing Photo, Lost in the Woods Photo, Imagination in Rhyme Logo, Word Follower Logo, Snakes Clipart, The Event Clipart, Teddy Bear Clipart, Falling Leaves Clipart, Wiggly Words Logo, SamSleuth Logo, Ladybug Clipart, Summer Days Clipart, It All Starts Today Clipart, The Colors of Christmas Clipart, Christmastime Clipart, The Season's Special Touch Clipart, Christmas Shines Clipart, New Year Clipart, Celebrating Love at Christmastime, Flummery Clipart, Plip Plop Clipart, Share a Poem Clipart, Pocket Poem Clipart, Batteries Not Included Clipart, Mission Bay Clipart, The Christmas Gift Clipart, Bedtime is Here Clipart, Pink Heart Clipart, Northwoods Trees Snow Photo, Hallway Drawing, Guitar Drawing, Sailing Photo, The Brightest Blossom Clipart, Pencil Clipart, Northwoods Winter Photo, Purple Contact Heart, Purple Back to Heart, and Follow Your Heart Cover Art.
©Elizabeth Wrobel
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