The Case Files of Sam Sleuth #2:
The Missing Valentines
My name is Sam Sleuth. Well, it's really Samantha Green, but Sam Sleuth looks better on the tree house window. It attracts more clients. I'm a detective. I rid my neighborhood and my school of crime. One case I remember happened on Valentine's Day. I like Valentine's Day. I like the red and pink hearts. I love my best friend, Marcia Miller's, cupcakes that she brings every year. I also like the Valentine cards. We had to make one for everybody in class so nobody would feel left out. In the middle of the classroom was a table with small brown paper bags and labels that had each person's name on it. I memorized the order of the bags when I got there that morning. I put my cards in order. I only had to go around the table once. There were two students in our class, Chris J and Chris R. Their bags were next to each other so I double checked my cards to make sure I got the right card in the right bag. Then, for the last two hours of class, we had a party. We had cupcakes, cookies, and milk. Our teacher, Mrs. Taylor, planned out activities with a Valentine theme. Then we were all able to read our cards. I saw that Chris J had given me a special handmade Valentine with a border of hearts and a magnifying glass that made a heart in the middle bigger than the others. It was because I was a detective. I liked that. I went over to his desk to thank him for it. He was licking the chocolate frosting from one of Marcia's cupcakes off his fingers.
"I want to thank you for my card," I said. "It's really cool."
"You're welcome." He smiled a little. "Thanks for your card, too."
"You're welcome." I smiled as I headed for the next person I needed to thank.
"Wait, Sam," he said. "Can you meet me by the monkey bars after school?"
"Sure," I said.

After school, I waited by the monkey bars. Chris J walked up to me and handed me his brown paper bag.
"Look inside," he said.
I did. Inside the bag were two cards. The card I gave him and a card from Chris R.
"What am I looking for?" I asked. "There are two cards in here."
"Exactly," he said. "I only got two cards. Mrs. Taylor's rule was that you had to give a card to everybody in the class. I know the whole class wouldn't break the rules. I think somebody stole my cards."
"That could be. The hand is quicker than eye," I said. "But why would anyone want Valentine's Day cards that have someone else's name on them?"
"I don't know." He shook his head. "Maybe somebody doesn't like me, and this is their way of getting even."
I thought about this for a moment. What Chris J said made sense, but it still seemed unlikely. "The only thing we can do is visit the scene of the crime."
We went back into the classroom. Mrs. Taylor was still there. I explained about Chris J's cards and asked if we could stay a little longer to find out what happened.
"Yes, of course," Mrs. Taylor said. "This is Valentine's Day, everyone should get cards. I would like to see you at work, Samantha. I hear you are a very good detective."
"She's the best!" Chris J exclaimed.
"Thanks." I smiled. "Mrs. Taylor, could I please have some paper?"
"Absolutely, is scrap paper all right? They are all different sizes," she explained.
"Yes, that's fine," I said, taking the scrap paper and a pen. On each sheet of scrap paper I wrote the name of each person in class, including myself. Then I set them around the table in the same order the bags were in before.
"You remember where everybody's bag was on the table?" Chris J asked surprised.
"Of course." I grinned.
After all the names were set out, I took my cards out of my backpack and I took the card I gave to Chris J out of his bag. I mixed them up so they wouldn't be in any kind of order. I handed him the whole pile.
"Okay, I'm going to watch," I said. "I want you to put all the cards on the table by the name of the person they came from."
"Okay," he said. He walked around the table, using the name on the first card, he tried to find the name of person on the table. He went around the table more than once giving a card to Marcia. Then to Chris R. Then to Jamie. Then to Davey. Then again to Chris R. I snapped my fingers, and he jumped.
"That's it!" I shouted. "That's why you didn't get any cards!"
"What are you talking about?" He looked down and saw the two cards on Chris R's pile.
"I memorized where all the bags were so I could my put my cards in order and only walk around the table once. The other kids went around the table more than once just like you did." I explained. "They must either misread the cards or the labels and gave all your cards to Chris R. That's why mine and Chris R's were in your bag."
"That makes sense," said Chris J.
"You are as good as everybody says you are, Samantha," Mrs. Taylor said.
I blushed a little. "Thanks, Mrs. Taylor."
Together, Chris J and I walked to Chris R's house. She smiled when she opened the door.
"Hey, Chris J. You're just the person I wanted to see. I called you but you weren't home. Remember I left class early to go the dentist?" She asked as she held out a brown paper bag to him. "I opened my bag after I came home and saw that I got your Valentine cards by mistake."
"Thanks, Chris R." Chris J took the bag from her, and then he looked at me. "How much do I owe you?"
I tapped my chin, I never think about my fee. I only think about solving the case. I smiled and said, "it's Valentine's Day--this case is free."
~©Elizabeth Wrobel~
Stories, poems, articles, Northwoods Deer Photo, Northwoods Turkeys Photo, Northwoods Snow Photo, Northwoods Autumn Photo, Autumn Photo, Lilypad Photo, Spring Robin Photo, Northwoods Rainbow, Butterflies Photo, Daisies Photo, Snow Photo, Northwoods Clouds Photo, When Christmas Comes to Town Photo, Generations of Love Photo, Mom Swing Photo, Lost in the Woods Photo, Imagination in Rhyme Logo, Word Follower Logo, Snakes Clipart, Wiggly Words Logo, SamSleuth Logo, Ladybug Clipart, Pocket Poem Clipart, The Colors of Christmas Clipart, Christmas Time Clipart, The Season's Special Touch Clipart, Christmas Shines Clipart, New Year Clipart, Celebrating Love at Christmastime, Plip Plop Clipart, Share a Poem Clipart, Pocket Poem Clipart, Batteries Not Included Clipart, Mission Bay Clipart, The Christmas Gift Clipart, Hallway Drawing, Guitar Drawing,
Sailing Photo, purple hearts, and Follow Your Heart Cover Art.
©Elizabeth Wrobel
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